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漫游UO UO资讯 地城攻略 末日危城 Doom 查看内容

Doom Gary

2010-8-10 13:37| 发布者: Admin| 查看: 4361| 评论: 0

摘要: 为了纪念去世的Dungeon Dragon的合伙开发者 Gary (1938-2008) ,UO小组决定于 P51 之后在Doom Level 1 最上方中间位置的房间放置了 Gary 的 NPC 作为纪念。内里除了放置了 NPC Gary The Dungeon Master 外还摆设了一 ...

为了纪念去世的Dungeon & Dragon的合伙开发者 Gary (1938-2008) ,UO小组决定于 P51 之后在Doom Level 1 最上方中间位置的房间放置了 Gary 的 NPC 作为纪念。

内里除了放置了 NPC Gary The Dungeon Master 外还摆设了一本书 The RuleBook 及 Ultima Online (像棋盘),旁边还有 3 只会自动变生物形状的雕像。

只要玩家进入房间内, Gary 会说一句问候语 "Ah Visitor!",随即便会掷骰子 D20 (蓝色宝石),这是会决定召唤那种生物来招呼玩家,当然是攻击你,不是来和你泡茶。

Gary 掷骰子 D20 能召唤出的生物共有20种,暂知道的有:
01 - a bone daemon
02 - a skeletal knight
03 - a skeletal mage
04 - a dark guardian
05 - a devourer of souls
06 - a flesh golem
07 - a gibberling
09 - a lich
10 - a lich lord
11 - a mummy
12 - patchwork skeleton
14 - restless soul
15 - a rottinf corpse (晓用超级龙龙息及龙的吼声)
16 - a skeletal dragon
17 - a vanpire bat
18 - a wailing banshee
19 - a wanderrer of the void
20 - Game Master

如果大家能召唤Game Master,不知可以对他做什么呢? 请他泡茶吧...

另外,如果玩家按下蓝色宝石骰子 D20,会有以下讯息及扣血29~33HP:
You're blasted back in a blaze of light! This d20 is not yours to roll...

按下 Ultima Online 棋盘,画面会闪了黑色及有以下讯息:
You find yourself inexplicably drawn into the world lovingly etched upon the game board. Entire nations and peoples, lands and oceans, even histories and legends pass before your eyes...

按下书本 The RuleBook,画面会闪了白光及有以下讯息:
0) If you have to ask, you'll never know.

1) You may not harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress, unwanted attention or discomfort to another player.

4) You may not impersonate any Ultima Online Customer Support representative or other employee of Origin Systems.

5) You may not market, promote or advertise anything, or make any other form of solicitation (including pyramid schemes and chain letters) on the Ultima Online Service or through the Ultima Online Web Site.

6) You may not violate any local, state, national or international law or regulation.

7) You may not modify any part of the Ultima Online Service or Web Site that Origin Systems does not specifically authorize you to modify.

10) You may not use the Ultima Online Service or the Ultima Online Web Site for any activities other than activities that are permitted within the game world.

14) You will not attempt to interfere with, hack into, or decipher any transmissions to or from the servers running the Ultima Online Service.

15) You will not exploit any bug in the Ultima Online product or the Ultima Online Service to gain unfair advantage in the game and you will not communicate the existence of any such bug (either directly or through public posting) to any other user of the Ultima Online Service.

18) You will not do anything else that interferes with the ability of other Ultima Online users to enjoy playing the game in accordance with its rules, or that increases the expense or difficulty of Origin in maintaining the Ultima Online Service for the enjoyment of all its users.

P.S. 如果打完召唤生物,再想掷骰子打多一次求得GM,回城 recall 回来便可以。








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